CAE to CAF: Transition Complete

In the fall of 2017, Tyrone and I decided we wanted to get married to each other. Somewhere between October and December, I told my parents, pastors, and close friends. In January 2018, I told my family. After that, there was no turning back for me. Because I went from never having a boyfriend toContinue reading “CAE to CAF: Transition Complete”

CAE to CAF 3: Therapist

My best friend has walked with me through so many seasons of my life. He and I met when we were 18 and 17, respectively. We clicked instantly, but I had no idea he’d become such a major part of my life. I remember one time in 2007 we were walking across campus (Go Green!)Continue reading “CAE to CAF 3: Therapist”

CAE to CAF 4: Entrepreneurship

This series is called CAE to CAF to highlight my most obvious identity change, my name, but this season of my life has changed many of my identities. Since I was 15, I have seen myself and identified as an educator. 15 years later, however, I now hold two advanced degrees in social science. I’mContinue reading “CAE to CAF 4: Entrepreneurship”

Autistic Autonomy 

The Social Learning Theory basically suggests that people learn by watching other people do things. Typically, we observe and imitate others’ behaviors. This is seen with in almost every facet of society, from adults at a bar for the first time to toddlers in the toy kitchen. But what do we do when there areContinue reading “Autistic Autonomy “

Black Girl Magic

She rocks her hair Short and curly Or long and straight  Really… she can do it all.  With her ample lips  That complement her wide hips She overcomes every obstacle  To create, shape and fill her destiny.  She is aware of her call.  To birth all of humanity To her family she brings sanity She’sContinue reading “Black Girl Magic”

Dear All Lives Matter

Dear All Lives Matter, The schools of Detroit Public Schools (DPS) are being stripped. The teachers are being forced out and being made to look like the villains. Before you know it, DPS won’t exist. Children are being forced to go to schools that don’t have heat, updated books, or enough certified teachers to teach. EveryoneContinue reading “Dear All Lives Matter”


My Black Facebook friends are raging My White Facebook friends are silent I’m constantly torn between feeling like a sell out  Or possibly appearing violent.  Being a young college-educated Christian Black girl  Has to be one of the most complex identities in the world